Okay best weekend ever--i made the best worst mistake of my life. that is to say, it was a bad mistake but it was the best. 

I made the following post on tumblr saturday at about 6:00
and as you can see it has a lot of reblogs. i did not expect this. i have to write like 130 poems that are like 3 lines long each. the original post ended on march 4th and i changed it to midnight--but of course the edited post doesnt change on the already reblogged posts (thank the gods that the original deadline is here). this is the worst.

also not to mention this little bugger (my girlfriend, danny) to the left kept reblogging the post so it kept accumulating notes and i had to write more poems im never talking to her again.

this was never supposed to happen
4/8/2013 12:26:15 pm

This is amazing! Do you have any gems that you wrote that you're willing to share on this blog? The idea of 3 line poems fascinates me :)


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    im jaden.

    i like a lot of things